O más bien, proyecto "terminar-cosas-que-estan-puro-juntando-polvo". Me puse a buscar en mi colección, eligiendo cosas que siento que están usando espacio que podría necesitar y terminé con 70 ítems D: Tomé fotos y además me hice un lista para irlos tachando a medida que los termine.
Or more like project "finish-up-stuff-that's-been-gathering-dust-there-for-years". I went through my collection and picked out some stuff that's been taking up space for quite a while and I ended up with 70 items D: I took pictures of them for you and I also made a list for myself to strike them out as I use them up.
Or more like project "finish-up-stuff-that's-been-gathering-dust-there-for-years". I went through my collection and picked out some stuff that's been taking up space for quite a while and I ended up with 70 items D: I took pictures of them for you and I also made a list for myself to strike them out as I use them up.
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